As you may have read during our Antigua trip, I met some great people. Lucy, Rob and Amelie.

I have been painting some letters for Amelie's nursery and decided I would post on the process and the steps it takes to paint these letters.
If you know me well, you know I can NEVER just do one thing at a time. I am always doing two things or more at once. I took on two other projects while doing the letters, it is just easier when you have the paint out and very thing set up.
So the other two things I painted were for Taylynn and her room. One thing was a holder for all her bows. I had one, but she has been neededing a bigger one since she had enough hair to hold a bow. I buy a lot of bows!

The other is a bird house. Her room decor is trees, birds and owls. She helped me paint this one, which was really fun for the both of us. Maybe she'll keep it and pass it down to her daughter.

Ok here are the letters. I bought them at Hobby Lobby, they were already painted white, which by the way didn't make a difference, I wasn't using white.

I started painted some stripes and some polka dot, the stripes take a while because you have to wait for the paint to dry before you do a different color.

I am getting somewhere now!

I am all finished, Hip Hip Hurray!

If you want to see my etsy store check my sidebar and click on my etsy items.
Lucy I hope you and Amelie like them! Send me a picture once you get them up.