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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cherry Party-- Highchair

Alayna's Birthday is coming up, so even though I have been planning for 6 months for a fabulous party I am just now starting to roll out the projects!
Here is the first one I have been working on:

I got this vintage highchair at a garage sale for FREE!!!!! It is broken, but it will work for a one time use!

Since her party is outside, we needed a place for her to sit and eat her cake. Can't you see her in this vamped up highchair? I just used spray painted for $2.97, fabric I already had and ric rack $1.99 and ta-da........

I LOVE it and I think it's going to be so cute with all her other decorations!


1 comment:

  1. adorable. I love that it's so cheap and cute, of course!
