It was over two weeks ago, but with Preston's birthday and Easter I am just now getting to this post.
It was a fun day, a Saturday, so it was nice to have Aaron home. For breakfast we had coffee cake and I had a mimosa! We relaxed a bit then went to lunch at On the Boarder. I wanted to eat outside and it was the perfect weather for it. Everyone did really well, eating out with our big family has gotten harder, but when we are outside, it seems everyone is happier!
Aaron and I had a date night planned, so we dropped the girls off at Lynette's house as it was her turn to watch the kids and we headed out. We were a bit early for our dinner reservation so we went downtown and got a drink. Or I went and got a drink....Aaron doesn't drink.
We were the only ones out, it was weird, but kinda nice.
I am sad that I have no pictures of myself on my birthday, but I didn't even think of it.
We went to dinner at THE Rowhouse. One of my favorite places to go in Topeka.
I was going to type out our menu, but really that's too much work. Here are the pictures in the order we ate:

Yes! Lots of courses, but that's what I love!!!
It was a great birthday! And yes, it seems I love to celebrate with food! I lOVE food!