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Monday, July 13, 2009


This was another lost picture off my camera phone. Doesn't she look like a doll? She has changed so much and it has only been 5 months at the most. Why does the time go by so quickly once you have children. All I want is for it to slow down just a bit.

I have started making my own bows, and they are so easy. It takes about 4 minutes for me to complete one bow. That beats spending 4 dollars on one bow! I thought about selling them on my etsy store, but I don't know. So many people sell bows. If you want one let me know. I am going to do a giveaway of 4 or 5 bows coming up this month.


  1. Those are cute Caroline! If I had a little girl, I'd be all over it :) But I guess I do have some nieces that I could give them bring on the giveaway!!

  2. Wow, they are beautiful. Good job. So anxious to see the giveaway.

    Have a wonderful week.
