My sister in law, Deborah (Kaitlyn's mom) sent this email so I thought I would pass it along to you:
"Yesterday the doctor read over her EKG results and found that the hole was only moderate in size and somewhat restrictive. It's not a hole in the heart itself, it's what is known as a PDA which most newborns have until birth when it closes up. He thinks her's has already started to close up now so he's opted to forego the medication and see if it will close on it's own. The nurses told me today that the doctor is going to resume her feedings today. So it looks like we're back on track and the doctor said that he doesn't believe she will stay all the way until her due date at all. She's progressing much faster than that. I will see the doctor again at noon to find out exactly when and how much her feeds will be."
Yay! Thank you for those who prayed, keep praying if you will.
I can't wait to meet Kaitlyn, I don't think it will be until October, but we're planning to go once Chandler is born.

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