I sent him a package that he should have received yesterday. I made him a t-shirt. In the front I put 100 and on the back his last name. I also sent some other gifts that I put together. I hope he got them and maybe he is wearing the shirt right now! :)
My grandparents are there, so hopefully I'll get to hear all about it.
I am close with my Uncle, but communication is hard. He can't hear me on the phone and he has gotten too old to write letters, although I continue to write him. I think he enjoys getting letters and pictures.
I became close to my Uncle when my best friend Lindsey and I would go to Louisiana; one trip we stayed for a month and we would go spend the afternoon with Uncle Dan, talking, watching movies and eating. It was a change for him to have two young girls in his house and I really wonder what he thought about it. This became a tradition. Lindsey and I went to Louisiana every summer until our late years in high school, but I continued to go and visit. Sometimes twice a year.
All of my children have met Uncle Dan and the older two were so excited to send off his package. They even made him a beautiful card. I am sad I didn't take pictures of any of this. Life gets too hard to actually get things done on time and then think to take pictures.
I do have lots of pictures, this are all the digital ones I have on file:
July 2007
Meeting his Great great niece for the first time
2008 November
He now gets to meet his Great great nephew
February 2012
This was his first time meeting Alayna and Chandler and as you can tell more time has passed. Travel got a lot harder with four kids :)
November 2012
We were blessed to visit my Grandparents for Thanksgiving, so this meant I got to see Uncle Dan too!
Happy 100 Birthday Uncle Dan!!!!!
We love you so much and are BLESSED to have you in our lives.