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Monday, February 14, 2011


Aaron I love you so much. You are an amazing man. I enjoy every day I have with you and I hope we get thousands more together.
Thank you for working so hard and making this family as wonderful as it is. And thank you for our four babies, I couldn't have done it without you :) Ha!
I love you!


On another note, last night we had our Valentine's mission trip banquet for the youth group.
I was in charge of decorating the tables, so I cleared my house and brought everything I had to church.
Here are some of the tables

Aaron and I were also a couple playing the newlywed game. We got last place, but let me tell you why..... Some of the questions were asking the negatives of our spouse like worst meal I made and worse repair job Aaron did. The truth is we are perfect and have no mistakes.....ok huge lie!!! We are far from perfect and speaking for myself I have made some horrible meals in the kitchen. One meal I thought i had down was meatloaf, but if you can see the writing on the card, it says meatloaf! Ha! My Face says it all.

It was fun, embarrassing at some points, but I love games. Just wish we would have won. I would actually like a rematch if we could.


1 comment:

  1. That's funny. Maybe it's not your meatloaf; maybe it's just meatloaf in general! lol...

    And cute tables!
