Once upon a time, their was this handsome prince named Preston. He was so kind and sweet to everyone, his biggest flaw was that he was so shy. One day while walking past the goat farm he decided he would stop by and pet one of the goats. He got pretty close, then all of a sudden this goat licked him.

In the mean time their was a princess name Taylynn. Who spent most of her time alone.

When all of a sudden she backed into something.

They were both startled. Preston thought of hopping away, but they both just stayed still and looked at each other. Taylynn broke the silence and said "Hello Mr Froggie, what is your name." Preston quietly said, "I am not a frog. My name is Preston and I am a prince." Taylynn jumped back with shock.
Preston explained what happened and the both began to ponder.

Taylynn had an idea that maybe she could turn him back into a prince, so she tried some magic spells to see if he would turn back.

Preston got scared and wanted to leave. Taylynn pleaded with him and convinced him to sit still.

All of a sudden Preston had a marvelous idea. He told Taylynn that she needed to kiss him. Of course Taylynn said "No way, that is yucky." Preston said it could be the only way and if she kissed him, then he would be her best friend for life.
Taylynn agreed to try, but she was not happy.
She kissed him once and poof, his crown appeared in his hands.

And with a poof and a ball of smoke, frog Preston was no longer there. Taylynn looks far and wide. For Prince Preston promised he'd be her best friend.

Princess Taylynn was said and heartbroken. She began to cry, but she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was the prince he came back and he was his self again.
The two lived happily ever after.
THE END......