I started off spring break with a horrible cold, but I didn't let it spoil the fun!!!
The first night we let the kids stay up a little late (in hopes they would ALL sleep in) and they thought that was special. I put on Pippy Longstocking, a fav in our house. Oh, and no one slept in :(
The next day we went to Billy Vanilly for a cupcake and then Chick-fil-a for lunch.
Don't forget to look at Chandler's feet in this next one!! This is what I deal with.silly boy!
Tuesday, Aaron and I had a date night. This doesn't happen very often, so I thought I should include it!
We went to dinner and then to see the new OZ movie, which I loved! It was a fun night, I love when we have some quiet moments to ourselves.
On Wednesday, I was feeling much better just in time to head to Missouri to see my brother and his family. We hit up Branson first, it was a cold day, but the warmest of the week! We only had time for four rides because it was sooo busy, we have season passes though so we'll have plenty of chances to ride all the rides.
Alayna rode Fire in the Hole, a ride I grew up LOVING!!! If you ask me....she liked it. However, I am pretty sure she would tell you otherwise.
After a fun few hours we went to my brother, Robert and sister in law, Deborah's house. It was a short visit, but so good to see them and have some fun together.
I will say a couple of things messed up our plans!!! One, that first night I got HIVES......yes, again. I have been getting them since high school, but the last time was when I was barley pregnant with Alayna, so it's been three years!!! I survived the rest of the trip, but I was constantly on benadryl so I'm lucky I have pictures so I can remember it all. The second thing was the SNOW!!! Not what I expected on spring break! Deborah and I were out flea market shopping when it started and that ride home was scary, oh and we got stuck and had to be pushed up a hill!! The drive home was even scary, lucky Aaron was driving because I would have stopped and stayed in a hotel.
Anyway, we had some other fun with my brother's family. We went to Lambert's, the home of the tossed roll. I had some wonderful memories going with my best friend Lindsey and my grandparents and it was just as fun as I remembered. They have guys walk around with rolls and they throw them across the room for you to catch. Preston really loved it.
had a great time, but the next day we headed to Arkansas to see my
parents and spend a little time with them. My sister and Jack were there
too, so that was fun! We had an Easter egg hunt while we were there,
indoor of course with all this winter weather.
This was our first spring break and it was wonderful...minus the hives and weather, but being with family is what it's all about!

What great pictures Caroline!! Yes, it was not exactly the perfect week for Spring Break, but it looks like you managed to make the very best of it all and have a wonderful time of memory making with your family. Loved seeing it all. You look so pretty for your evening out! Easter blessings to you all!!