It has taken me forever to get these pictures up. Add sickness and two parties and it really puts me back!
Ok so the day of his birthday I made a big breakfast, it was yummy and everyone liked it. Why Aaron isn't in this picture I have no idea!
Taylynn missed the bus because breakfast took too long, but Aaron was running the car into the shop so it worked out just fine to take her!
Ok so like I said Aaron took the car into the shop and by car I mean VAN!!!! I knew this a few days in advance and I knew to throw off a surprise party I couldn't make a big deal about him choosing his birthday to take the car in. The car was done around 12 so he came home and WORKED FROM HOME!!!! This was definitely a challenge getting the house ready for a party with him in it!
I know he smelled all the chocolate desserts and wondered!
Oh and heard all the clinging and clanging of the dishes as I brought them upstairs :)
We went to dinner at Outback and I made him close his eyes and walk to the door so he couldn't see "the cake"!!!!!
Dinner was nice, but I was nervous about timing it right with the party.....
My friends Cyndi and Keri were helping with the party and last minute details, thanks girls!
We got to the house too early, but I had no idea on how to delay him so we went in and the girls said surprise!
Lots of friends and neighbors came by to wish Aaron happy 30th and it was neat for me to see people loving on him and celebrating him. He doesn't get that enough!
Thank you everyone for celebrating with us! And Happy Birthday Aaron, I love you!

It all looks so special and pretty, I'm sure Aaron felt to treasured and appreciated!! Happy Birthday Aaron, the thirties are great....enjoy it all to the full!!