I spent last week getting the kids excited to decorate for fall/Halloween. So once Saturday hit we were all really excited!
I planned to start the morning all festive and continue throughout the day.
We started with some pumpkin pancakes
The we let the kids put on their Halloween clothes for the first time this year.
Then after Alayna went down for her morning nap I made Chai Tea for Aaron and I and hot chocolate for Taylynn and Preston. And we sat and talked about where the decorations should go. Ok, this wasn't much of a conversation, but it was fun.
I also made chocolate chip scones to go along with the drinks. It was a treat for all of us!
Then began the decorating and we were all really excited to bring up all the goodies boxed up. It was like Christmas because it had been so long since we'd seen our decorations.
At this point I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I did get one of Preston helping.
After we got a some decorating done, I just wasn't feeling it and really wanted to be more creative.......so I talked the gang into going to Paxico, Kansas and go Antique shopping. I only got a couple pictures of the girls:

I didn't plan on finding but a few goodies......but let me just say....... I TOTALLY SCORED!!!!
One of the shops was going out of business and they had things marked cheaper than a garage sale would have. I got a old vintage suitcase (I'll be using this for newborn pictures) for a dollar, some REALLY old books 6 for a dollar, large fancy picture frames twenty five cents each, an old comforter to use as fabric.... also twenty five cents, and lots of other great deals! I still can't get over the steals I got.
I plan on using a lot of those items for some fall decorating and I'll let you know when I do.
When we got home we went to Our niece Brighton's school carnival, the kids had a great time and it was such a beautiful day!
Once we got home it was craft time for me!!!!!
I took the bedding I bought for a quarter and used it for the backing of this banner:
I needed a more festive sign so I hit up Hobby Lobby and bought this FAMILY sign and painted it our fall color scheme.

I made some more button art using one of the quarter frames I bought:
I typed up a fall word sign and added it to a frame I already had up
This is what our mantel looks like:

And here is one of our bookcases that is complete:

We do have other decorations around the house....ones the kids enjoy like sparkly spiders and pumpkins along with some other things. For now I'll just share these things, but there is more to come!

I planned to start the morning all festive and continue throughout the day.
We started with some pumpkin pancakes
Then after Alayna went down for her morning nap I made Chai Tea for Aaron and I and hot chocolate for Taylynn and Preston. And we sat and talked about where the decorations should go. Ok, this wasn't much of a conversation, but it was fun.
Then began the decorating and we were all really excited to bring up all the goodies boxed up. It was like Christmas because it had been so long since we'd seen our decorations.
At this point I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I did get one of Preston helping.
After we got a some decorating done, I just wasn't feeling it and really wanted to be more creative.......so I talked the gang into going to Paxico, Kansas and go Antique shopping. I only got a couple pictures of the girls:
I didn't plan on finding but a few goodies......but let me just say....... I TOTALLY SCORED!!!!
One of the shops was going out of business and they had things marked cheaper than a garage sale would have. I got a old vintage suitcase (I'll be using this for newborn pictures) for a dollar, some REALLY old books 6 for a dollar, large fancy picture frames twenty five cents each, an old comforter to use as fabric.... also twenty five cents, and lots of other great deals! I still can't get over the steals I got.
I plan on using a lot of those items for some fall decorating and I'll let you know when I do.
When we got home we went to Our niece Brighton's school carnival, the kids had a great time and it was such a beautiful day!
Once we got home it was craft time for me!!!!!
I took the bedding I bought for a quarter and used it for the backing of this banner:
I needed a more festive sign so I hit up Hobby Lobby and bought this FAMILY sign and painted it our fall color scheme.
I made some more button art using one of the quarter frames I bought:
I typed up a fall word sign and added it to a frame I already had up

And here is one of our bookcases that is complete:
We do have other decorations around the house....ones the kids enjoy like sparkly spiders and pumpkins along with some other things. For now I'll just share these things, but there is more to come!