We had a wonderful week last week. Here is the recap:
Monday we started the day with flu shots and Alayna's 4 month check up. Taylynn and Preston got the flu mist and took it really well. Alayna had to get her immunizations and her normal routine check ups. She weighed 18 pounds 15 ounces; off the charts of course. Her head is in the 75 percentile and so is her height. She was a little sick so it was nice the appointment landed on that day because I would have called the Dr anyway. Turns out she had a little ear infection so we got so medicine to take care of that.
The sad part of the day, was this was our last visit with our pediatrician, she is moving to Arizona. We all loved her and we'll really miss her. I brought my camera so I could get a picture of her with all my babies she has taken care of.
Tuesday was a busy packing day. My intentions were to clean also, but that didn't happen. I seemed to have lots of last minute things that needed to be done like wrapping presents and making bows for the girls and T shirts for all my children and my friend Kim's children.
Here are the shirts and bows:
Wednesday we loaded up the car and we were off around 9 am heading to Arkansas. We stopped at Zona Rosa and got Taylynn's and Preston's hair cut and ate lunch.

We were back on the road. Our next stop was Sandstone Gardens in Joplin, and all I can say is WOW! I could spend hours in there. Actually now that I am decorating for Christmas I really want to go back.

After 9 hours we made it to my parent's house and we were worn out. I can't even remember what we did that night, but I know the kids went on a golf cart ride since it was in the 70's.
The next day was Thanksgiving and my brother and his wife Deborah joined up and around 1pm my sister, Doug and Jack made it to Arkansas. It was so nice to have everyone together, but I think we all missed my grandparents. The video you saw a couple days ago was for them since they couldn't be with us.
Taylynn was a big help in the kitchen, she loves to cook.

My dad and his girls

Happy Thanksgiving
My Grandma had a special treat for all of us girls so we could go shopping the next day. She is so thoughtful and generous. I feel so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents. Not only are they kind-hearted, but they have really set an example of how to love. Aaron and I look up to both of them and we plan on having a long marriage full of love just like them.
The next day My mom, sister, Jack, Taylynn and Alayna headed out around 10 to go shopping. I would have gone earlier if I didn't have to worry about feeding Alayna when she woke up. I'll be out early next year.
We had a great time. We missed a few early sales, but it's probably better that way. The one I am really disappointed we missed was Gap's entire store 50% off. That would have been great!

We had pizza Friday night and relaxed with the family. I took these pictures of my mom and dad with all the grandchildren:

Saturday we went to Target, Wal-Mart and Sam's to see if anything was left over. Not much! Mollie and Doug left right after lunch. After naps we fed Jake

then headed to the local outdoor mall to see Santa.

When we got home we had a birthday celebration for Taylynn; she loved it. Her birthday is this Saturday and now that she is turning four, she really gets it.

Sunday was our day to leave. We were sad to go, but we'll be back around Christmas.
We planned on taking Taylynn to Oak Park Mall in Kansas City for her birthday. We took her to The American Girl store so she could get her doll's hair done. She LOVED this. I tried getting her to walk around so she could pick out a new outfit for doll, but she just wanted to watch her get her hair done. This was super cute, but not sure I'd pay to do it again.

We also took Taylynn and Preston to the Disney store so they could pick out their Christmas ornament. Taylynn picked Mrs. Potts and Chip from Beauty and the Beast. Preston picked out the bad guys from Toy Story 3. I don't even know their names.

The next treat was at Build a Bear, yes we are spoiling them, but this was Taylynn's birthday present from us. Taylynn picked out a cute reindeer, whom she named reindeer and Preston picked out a dog he named fluffy.

Alayna was there too, just hanging out
The last treat was a ride on the carousel.
We made it home safe and now we are trying to get things ready for Christmas.
Hope ya'll had a great Thanksgiving.
Monday we started the day with flu shots and Alayna's 4 month check up. Taylynn and Preston got the flu mist and took it really well. Alayna had to get her immunizations and her normal routine check ups. She weighed 18 pounds 15 ounces; off the charts of course. Her head is in the 75 percentile and so is her height. She was a little sick so it was nice the appointment landed on that day because I would have called the Dr anyway. Turns out she had a little ear infection so we got so medicine to take care of that.
The sad part of the day, was this was our last visit with our pediatrician, she is moving to Arizona. We all loved her and we'll really miss her. I brought my camera so I could get a picture of her with all my babies she has taken care of.
Tuesday was a busy packing day. My intentions were to clean also, but that didn't happen. I seemed to have lots of last minute things that needed to be done like wrapping presents and making bows for the girls and T shirts for all my children and my friend Kim's children.
Here are the shirts and bows:
Wednesday we loaded up the car and we were off around 9 am heading to Arkansas. We stopped at Zona Rosa and got Taylynn's and Preston's hair cut and ate lunch.
We were back on the road. Our next stop was Sandstone Gardens in Joplin, and all I can say is WOW! I could spend hours in there. Actually now that I am decorating for Christmas I really want to go back.
After 9 hours we made it to my parent's house and we were worn out. I can't even remember what we did that night, but I know the kids went on a golf cart ride since it was in the 70's.
The next day was Thanksgiving and my brother and his wife Deborah joined up and around 1pm my sister, Doug and Jack made it to Arkansas. It was so nice to have everyone together, but I think we all missed my grandparents. The video you saw a couple days ago was for them since they couldn't be with us.
Taylynn was a big help in the kitchen, she loves to cook.
My dad and his girls
Happy Thanksgiving
My Grandma had a special treat for all of us girls so we could go shopping the next day. She is so thoughtful and generous. I feel so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents. Not only are they kind-hearted, but they have really set an example of how to love. Aaron and I look up to both of them and we plan on having a long marriage full of love just like them.

The next day My mom, sister, Jack, Taylynn and Alayna headed out around 10 to go shopping. I would have gone earlier if I didn't have to worry about feeding Alayna when she woke up. I'll be out early next year.
We had a great time. We missed a few early sales, but it's probably better that way. The one I am really disappointed we missed was Gap's entire store 50% off. That would have been great!
We had pizza Friday night and relaxed with the family. I took these pictures of my mom and dad with all the grandchildren:
Saturday we went to Target, Wal-Mart and Sam's to see if anything was left over. Not much! Mollie and Doug left right after lunch. After naps we fed Jake
then headed to the local outdoor mall to see Santa.
When we got home we had a birthday celebration for Taylynn; she loved it. Her birthday is this Saturday and now that she is turning four, she really gets it.
Sunday was our day to leave. We were sad to go, but we'll be back around Christmas.
We planned on taking Taylynn to Oak Park Mall in Kansas City for her birthday. We took her to The American Girl store so she could get her doll's hair done. She LOVED this. I tried getting her to walk around so she could pick out a new outfit for doll, but she just wanted to watch her get her hair done. This was super cute, but not sure I'd pay to do it again.
We also took Taylynn and Preston to the Disney store so they could pick out their Christmas ornament. Taylynn picked Mrs. Potts and Chip from Beauty and the Beast. Preston picked out the bad guys from Toy Story 3. I don't even know their names.

The next treat was at Build a Bear, yes we are spoiling them, but this was Taylynn's birthday present from us. Taylynn picked out a cute reindeer, whom she named reindeer and Preston picked out a dog he named fluffy.
Alayna was there too, just hanging out
The last treat was a ride on the carousel.
We made it home safe and now we are trying to get things ready for Christmas.
Hope ya'll had a great Thanksgiving.