Aaron this is a recording of the last few days without you, so you could see what we have been up to. Enjoy your flight home and we'll see you soon!
Day 1
I was telling Taylynn that this trip was going to be a long trip for you. Taylynn responded by saying "It's going to be a long trip for me" in a sad voice.
We spent the day looking for an airplane to fly over us so we could wave to you, but we didn't see any.
Bedtime was smooth. We prayed together in the hall before going to bed and we'll continue to pray for you while your gone. We love you!
Day 2
We saw an airplane! Ha!
We spent the morning with friends, had a wonderful brunch. We still missed you.
A Saturday doesn't quite feel like a Saturday with you gone. I have already gotten my days confused.
I still get the question "where is daddy?" I have the same answer, " he's on a trip, but he'll be back and he loves you very much."
We played outside, went on a bike ride. Then after dinner we watched Toy Story together, but we missed you!
Day 3
We went to church without you this morning, it was lonely, but I had some great friends to sit by. The kids and I went to La Roccos for lunch, we split a salad and some bread. It was fun until Preston spilled the Italian dressing on me :)
I mowed during nap time, just the front don't worry!
After naps we went to Sonic with Oma and let Taylynn and Preston play.
That night we went to life group, and once again I missed you.
Day 4
We did our grocery shopping today. And I got a lot done. I think I went into nesting mode today.
I cleaned and mopped the kitchen, spot cleaned the carpet in the living room, spot cleaned the carpet in the van and washed the van.
I am not sure where this energy came from, but I liked it!
Girls night was at our house, Taylynn enjoyed hanging with the girls. Lets just say she was up late with us.
Day 5
This was a rough day for all of us. My energy was shot and my patience was rare. We spent the morning at MOPS and I know that alone helped me get through the day.
We planted some plants outside before lunch, but that was the most productive thing we did today.
I worked on my labels during and even after naps, this became frustrating to Taylynn and Preston. By the time I finished we all wanted a little fun.
I look them to Old Chicago and made the mistake of saying "this is like the place daddy is" so basically they thought you were going to be there. It was neat those to show them the pictures of Chicago and tell them that's where you are.
We happen to go on the night where the kids get to make the pizza for themselves, this was perfect and fun for us.
We missed you, but we felt a little closer thinking we were eating Chicago pizza :)
The end of the night had a sweet ending when Taylynn went to Preston kiss and hugged him and said goodnight. It is so sweet to witness their love for each other. Wish you were here to see it.
Day 6
Today was a busy one. We had bible study this morning, which of course we were late for since I didn't wake up until 8am. So needless to say we were rushed.
After bible study we went to Wendy's or as Taylynn calls it Pippy Longstocking's. We then headed to the zoo, which was a last minute request and I thought was a good one. Most the animals were asleep, no surprise there.
We came home and I put Taylynn and Preston in bed while I prepared for youth Bible study.
Once they got up I decided to mow the rest of the yard. Finished that then decided to go to Walmart to get some pot stickers for the Bible lesson tonight.
I made eggs and pancakes for dinner, which as you know they LOVE!
I gave them a bath then headed to youth group.
The group missed you and prayed for you. We are lucky to have a great group of kids.
I am 27 weeks today. Alayna seems to be doing well, she moves what seems like non stop. She'll be excited to hear your voice again.
I have been sleeping in Preston's room in his big bed while he sleeps in the little one, but I had to stop because I didn't want him to get use to me being in there. By the way, his bed is so much more comfortable :) Let switch mattress' at least until I am no longer pregnant.
Only 5 more days to go!!!!
Day 7
Today we celebrated Ali's birthday and took her to lunch and had Ali, Riley and Abe over. Taylynn and Preston loved having friends over.

It has been raining here so we couldn't play outside. We cleaned and listened to music most the afternoon.
It was a pretty normal day. Lindsey came over to entertain me and she brought Thai food, it was wonderful!
I enjoyed talking with you tonight and I am glad to find out you'll be here one day sooner than I expected. Still not sure how I got so mixed up on the days.
Preston went to bed last night on time, Taylynn had a bit of trouble sleeping. She stayed up with me a bit longer and read baby Alayna three books (this was her idea). I told Taylynn to put her hand on my belly because Alayna was kicking, she said "ouch that would hurt". She did feel her kick, but she didn't react much, so I am not really sure she felt it. I am excited for them to be able to see Alayna move in my belly.
When I tucked Preston in bed, this is what I saw:

He had all his animals sleeping up with him on the pillow and his Bible, which he now calls his "Bible study".
We miss you and can't wait to see you!
Day 8
Today Mollie came into town and we spent the morning shopping at the mall and eating at Chick-fil-a. We got some new things for Baby Alyana and Mollie got some things for her baby boy.
Once we got home and Taylynn and Preston were in bed, Mollie and I went through Preston old clothes to see what would work for Mollie's baby. It was bitter sweet going through his clothes. Preston has grown so fast.
Oh......this morning I was walking Preston to his room to get him dressed and Taylynn said, "wait a minute, let's pray for daddy." So we sat down and prayed for you. You are very loved!
We went to CiCi's pizza for dinner then to the grocery store for a couple items. Taylynn got to push the little cart and loved it. She felt like she was the biggest thing. They both even helped me do the self checkout.

That evening Taylor and Rachel (two girls from our youth group) came over for a girls night. Taylynn and Preston did their usually show off dance and ran around singing So What. We tried to get the Wii to work, but we couldn't figure out. We need you!
I put in our wedding video to show the girls. Taylynn was excited until she saw you then she bawled asking for you saying "I want my dadda". She has really been missing you.
It was a late night. Sorry we did get to talk much or do our devotion together. I love you!
Day 9
Today we got up and went straight to McDonald's drive through, it was a great start to the morning :)
We went to Manhattan today to visit Mollie and also my mom and dad were in town. We didn't get to Manhattan until noon, it was a later start than planned. I always seem to have a later start than planned.
Manhattan was fun. We played with Mollie's cat Bentley and spent time together.

I headed back to Topeka around 5. For dinner we went to Ryan and Jilli's house, they were so sweet and had us over for dinner. We are lucky to have such great neighbors. Thank you Ryan and Jill, I appreciate you taking care of me :)
As of now they are in bed and I am relaxing. I am excited to see you tomorrow. I have never gone this long without you and I don't want to do it again.
You are a wonderful husband and dad. I am not sure how I got so blessed to be YOUR wife.
I am so ready to talk with you and do our devotions together IN PERSON! Just a little over 24 hours!!!!!!!
Day 10
You'll be home in 14 hours!!!! I have missed you so much.
Preston is still asleep and it's after 10am. We didn't go to church because today is going to be a busy day. I am trying to get everything back in order for you.
I am also helping with the youth event tonight, we are doing Fear Factor. I need to go to the store and buy live worms and yellow jello. Sounds good right?
Be safe coming home and we'll see you soon!
I love you.