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Thursday, August 12, 2010

One Month

Alayna you are one month today.
According to my scale you are 11 pounds.
You still fit into 0-3 month clothes, but they are getting snug.
Alayna you wear size one diaper for now, but your about to move to size two.

You have looked at mommy and smiled a little bit. I am still not sure if you're smiling because of me or just because......
You love your car seat, and that is wonderful. Both Taylynn and Preston hated it and would cry every time we were in the car. I can actually keep you in your car seat and snap it into the stroller when we go to the mall. So nice!
You sleep through all our trips like Target and the mall.
You went to the library today for the first time, you slept through that too.

The other day I was holding you and I called you my princess. Taylynn heard me and said "she's not a princess", don't worry you are a princess.
Taylynn also said today that you were her best friend. I pray that you will be best friends one day.

You sleep well at night. Typically you are up twice, sometimes you think it is time to stay awake.

You will lay down with your toys for a few minutes so mommy can get some things done. I love watching you just lay down and look around.

Preston tried to pick you up today. Don't worry I don't take you out of my site when you are in reach of him. He loves you so much and he thinks your his doll.

You are so loved. I am still getting meals delivered from friends, it has been wonderful and we are so blessed. Everyone loves to come over and see you and hold you and I must say you have gotten TONS of clothes.

We had a party for you last Saturday. You LOVED it! I'll post about that soon.

You coo, but it is quite and not that often. It's sweet!

You do cry, but not for long and not too often.

You become more and more beautiful everyday.

Your family loves you so much.


  1. So sweet!! Can't believe it's been a month!!

  2. God bless her!! Happy 1st Month Alayna!!

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