Back towards the end of May we went to Louisiana and I am just now blogging about it. What i didn't know at the time (because it wasn't decided until after we left), this trip will be the last to my grandparent's house. It is sad, but the real good news is they are moving 7 hours closer to us!!!!! I am excited about this. It is hard to see them move from a place they have loved so much, but more memories are to come and the love goes where they go, not where they have lived!
We had the best trip and it will never be forgotten. I am blessed to have photos and then have a place to record our memories!
We drove to Arkansas first then spent the night and left early in the morning for Louisiana.
and the adventure starts!!!!
Someone was obsessed with the gator!!!
digging up the treasure Lindsey and I buried in 1995......i never found it, even with the help of a tractor!

I cut hair and painted nails!
we relaxed on the porch and the gator
ate watermelon
we helped Paw-Paw dig up his potatoes
family time
a visit with Uncle Dan
Gg and Alayna
This was a wonderful trip. Relaxing and fun......other than the short moment when Chandler was lost about half a mile into the woods!!!! We found him, everything was fine!
We spent a day in Arkansas before heading home, I randomly snapped some pictures, but most of the time we were going to garage sales and an auction.....I did bring lots of goodies home!