If you read my blog daily you are probably wondering what the heck is going on. Sorry I was vacationing and before that preparing to vacation. And while I was on vacation instead of blogging I was vacationing.
OK, I am back! Sick, but back and we need to get back in touch!
The week before I began asking the kids to tell me what they are thankful for, they had to name as many as their age.
Taylynn, 5
Preston, 4
Alayna, 2
"Ummmm I duno know"
Chandler, 1
Ok, maybe he didn't say this......
Me......Caroline, 29
Relationship with Jesus and His grace
A stronger connection with my husband than I have ever had, I am thankful it keeps getting better
My children, I am even thankful for the hard moments
My parents, they always show continual love and kindess and are quick to tell me how proud they are.
A close relationship with my Grandma and Paw-paw, though they live FAR away and don't get to see each other often I know they love me and they know I love them
My mother in law, for accepting me as her own daughter
My sister and brother and their families. I am thankful to see them and to continue building memories
Two sisters who happen to be my two best friends, who love me as their own sister
My friends, oh how this list could go on and on. I am blessed to have lots of women in my life who inspire me and help me maintain motherhood without going crazy
I am thankful for my church and the family I have within
Lifegroup, a group of people that I may love on and they love on my family
My middle school girls, watching God grow in them is awesome, but seeing God change me and my heart while I am teaching them just reminds me He is always in control.
My husband (again...I know) he is hands down the best guy out there for me and Lord I am so Thankful you created him for ME
This house, although we are looking for a new one.....this is the house Aaron and I built while we were engaged, while I was pregnant and brought home four sweet babies. It's more than a roof over our head, it's a memory
Our neighborhood, couldn't have started our life together in a better place with better people....blessed!
Traditions the ones I had growing up and the ones I am making now
My bed, it's nothing special, but I think about every night when I lay down I say "oh, I love this bed"......is it the bed or the fact that I will be asleep in 10 seconds
A blog so when I fail to remember, I'll have it in writing
MOPS group, not only do I get to spend some time with great women, but I get some great food and a mini refresher from the kids once every two weeks!
A foot rub every night before bed
Diet coke, I know this isn't really what I should be thankful for, but I am....I love it!
My husband's job, he is good at what he does and I love that he is getting paid for it
Live theater, I am thankful that I was once involved but I am thankful to get to go often to watch others
Christmas lights, beautiful
Jesus died in the cross for ME and YOU!