Taylynn and Preston
Your dad and I were not like the usual couple. We didn't date until we decided marriage was in our future. I would suggest this to you when you begin looking for your future spouse, the one God has in your plans. The truth is, we didn't do this on purpose. Actually, when I look back, the only explanation I can give as to how this worked out was just timing. But all in all it was God. He had His hand in this since day one.
I remember the winter of 2004, almost exactly a year before your dad and I got married. I went on a mission ski trip with a college group and I took tons of wedding magazines with me because I knew your dad was going to ask me any day now. Some people thought I was crazy and jumping the rope thinking I was going to be engaged, but I knew I was and it was only a matter of time.
As I am waiting for your dad to pop the question I see many changes in the weather. First the leaves fall, then it begins to snow, then all of a sudden flowers are popping up from the ground and I still have no ring on my finger. I was getting a little confused and was afraid your dad had changed his mind. We had a big date planned in Kansas city, so I thought he might be waiting for that evening, or my birthday was coming up on March 31. I seemed to always be thinking of an opportunity for your dad to ask me to marry him.
Well our Kansas City date passed, so I figured he was just going to ask me on my birthday, it would be a way of not having to buy me a separate present, ha!
The weekend before my birthday was Easter, so Aaron got all dressed up in his suit and we met at church. After, we went to my parents for lunch, then to his mom's house for an Easter egg hunt for the grand kids. I love Easter egg hunts so I was allowed to join in on the fun!
After we gathered our eggs we all sat in the living room and opened them. I had one blue egg and when I began to open it, from the corner of my eye I could see someone walking towards me. Inside the egg was a shiny wrapping, with a little tie. If it was Easter candy then someone hand wrapped this piece.
Your dad got close to me, bent down on one knee and asked me to marry him. He said a lot of other stuff, but I can't remember anything but will you marry me. I sat shocked, of all the days why didn't I think of this one? I loved that he surprised me, and of course I said yes!
I found out that earlier that morning before church your dad went over to your Grandmother and Granddaddy's house to ask for permission. From what I hear there were some tears, happy ones I think.
It was a very exciting day for all of us. I felt so blessed to have this man and for him to want to spent the rest of his life with me.
Here are some pictures. I can't believe how much we have changed in 5 years
This picture is after lunch at my parents house. No ring yet.

This picture is during the Easter egg hunt. If you notice the roof of the shed in the top right picture is where the blue egg with my ring was hiding.

This next picture is of us right after your dad asked me.

And these were taken a couple months later as our engagement pictures.

Your dad and I have something special and I want the same thing for the both of you. I have been praying for your future spouses for sometime now and I will continue to pray for them as I do you. God created marriage and it is special and perfect and God wants us to put our all into. I am by no means saying it is easy, it is hard, but it is worth it.
I love you,