I wanted to share today my thoughts and God's calling for me to participate in IF.
I can't pinpoint the moment I heard about IF, but I am sure it was through social media. IF itself is hard to pinpoint because their are so many different IF's, but I can tell you its action. We are called to be the hands and feet of the church (church being the world, not specifically A church). IF really gets me involved more than i do on my own and challenges me to step out of my comfort zone. For me, IF GOD IS REAL THEN WHAT?..........I've got to share the word because our time here on Earth is so minimal and to live on Earth without God scares me to death. If you know God, can you imagine living without Him? So many are because they just dont know and if God is real, then I am going to tell the world!
How do I tell the world? Relationships!!! I am not going to shout who God is from the roof tops, I dont believe anything would come from that expect others thinking I was crazy!
I want to allow others into my life and see that just because I love God, I am not perfect and my life is just as messy as anothers. BUT with God, with God I can survive. I am still loved. I am forgiven. I am made new. This gets me through my days knowing that their is NOTHIHNG I can do to loose His love. I believe everyone needs to know this and thats why I am doing what I am doing!
So what AM I DOING? Ok so IF: Table is just inviting other women of for dinner and conversation. Its not a time to vent or to give advice. Its a time to listen to what God is doing in other women's lives and to share what God is doing in yours. Its simple, but such a blessing!
IF: Equip. This is a daily devotional, it equip us as women to know God and allow Him to speak to us through scripture.
IF: Gathering. This first Gathering was last year in Austin, but I didn't know of IF during that time, but I do know it was awesome! This year we are getting women from Topeka together and watching it live in Topeka while it's happening in Austin. Really excited about this!
The answer to If God is real then what? IF is different for everyone, thats what is so cool!!!!!
I urge to to start or find and IF:Table. Check out IF: Equip and plan to find an IF: Local. If you're in Topeka, let me know!!!!!