What a year, I guess you might have realized that since my blogging has taken a back seat. I blame that on my phone. I take most of my pictures on there and then it takes forever for them to get loaded on my computer. In fact I have no ieda how to load them, my husband does it for me when I am out of space.
We'll we have moved.....
That was an adventure. I really had no iead how much work moving really is. Once we got in we did a few things around the house......
we replaced all the main floors with hardwood
painted ONLY four rooms
I painted my bedroom furniture
replaced the microwave, which required new cabinets and then new back splash (we didnt do this on our own)
we striped the white fireplace and stained it
replaced the tile on the fireplace with brick (this was not done by us......i would have no idea how to do that. :)
The boys room was the most challenging. We place boards on the entire back wall and built pipe shelving.
we replaced the floors in the master bedroom and bath
the list goes on, but those are some of the big things.
we pretty much completed all this in 1.5 months, we were exausted!!!! i think i still am! notice that lack of capitalization!!!!
i love our house and can't believe its OURS. We are BLESSED!!!!!
Taylynn has celebrated her 7th birthday. I cannot believe that!!!! On her birthday I picked her up from school and took her to pizza hut, then later that day i brought a layered mousse dessert for her classroom. for dinner we went to Olive Garden.
This was her party year, but we just now had the party this last weekend. It was a craft party with lots of girls and lots of fun!!!
7 seems to be the majic number, Taylynn amazes me with her sweetness and maurity, she has become my helper and less of a fit thrower :) I am loving the time I get to spend alone with her. We went on a date and when we came home everyone else was in bed so we watched a movie and played games together, Aaron incuded.
That next day she swallowed her tooth while eating an apple and then at night another one fell out!!!
Preston is full of energy!!!! But he is still so sweet and senstive and HANDSOME!!! He is enjoying Kindergarten and making new friends. He has really gotten into Legos and can sit there for a couple hours building something.
He is playing basketball this year and starting to get the hang of it, but my sweet boy doesnt want to grab the ball when its free, he almost looks like he would feel bad for the person he would take it from.
Alayna is my little singer and her personality is large! Chandler is her best friend and she loves him.
She is a smart cookie and next year she will start preschool.
Alyna is a girly girly, she doesnt like to be dirty and she is always wearing something fancy!
Chandler, is a charmer and a flurt. I am going to be in TROUBLE!!!
He is my little guys, the smallest of them all (which is still large compared to other 2 year olds, but small compared to the Bivens 2 year olds) but he is a climber and has been since he could crawl. He swings like a monkey from here to there and I really have to keep my eyes on him.
Aaron is doing well at work. He went to Boston not too long ago for training and he is busy bisy, but when 5:30 rolls around he is my family man. He helps with dinner, cleaning and bath/bedtime. He is a great GREAT man!
After finally decorating the house after Christmas I am finally getting back to some me time! I am on the womens minisrty team at our church and we just had our big event. I spoke a little and lead the craft. It went better than my nerves thought it would. The craft was painting letters on would blocks.
My next adventure is going to Canada to work with pasters wives in Saskatchewan. I will be leading exercises and crafting!! I am really excited about this oppurtnity and excited to see God though the process. This will be in May!
My grandparents just celebrated ther 70th wedding anniversary. My grandma is hanging in there, but she was in the hospital this last week, but got out in time to celebrate her anniversary and have a party this last Sunday. Ginger and I drove to the party with the kids. Aaron had to work :(
OK, well thats a good catch up for now!!