Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Baby name

Now in the Bible a name reveals the vary essence of a thing, or rather it's essence as God's gift......To name a thing is to manifest the meaning and value God gave it, to know it as coming from God and to know its place and function within the cosmos created by God. To name a thing, in other words, is to bless God for it and in it.
- Alexander Schmemann

We have so many gifts that we over look each day. One great gift I am thinking of today, is the gift of naming our child. The child it self is a great gift from God. But I am thinking of the little things. The thoughts and discussions put into naming YOUR baby, the dreaming of what you'll call your child as they run through the house. Of course you need to make sure it's easy to say the full name when the child is in deep trouble, no reason to make it harder on yourself.

Aaron and I have been discussing our boy options and we have settled.

Chandler Dean Bivens

Chandler is a family name on my side. My grandparents carry the last name Chandler and it's my mom's maiden name. We have chosen to carry on the name because of how much it means to us. I have been really close with my grandparents and I wanted to express to them how much I love them. We would even love it if Chandler carried the same love and kindness as my grandparents do, but I am not sure if traits are attached to names. :)

We are really excited to meet Chandler. I am 28 1/2 weeks and feeling really good. I think this has been the easiest pregnancy. Chandler has been moving a lot, the feeling never gets old. I'll miss carrying a baby, it's just a reminder of how awesome God is.

I am working on the hospital "stuff" Here is the sign so far........
It's getting close!!!!



  1. Love that name! And you sign is adorable :0)

  2. Love the name! Can't wait to meet Chandler!

  3. Once again you have touched my heart in the most tender of places! I love the name and love you all!!!
