Friday, October 9, 2009

Ghost of Halloweens past

We have celebrated two Halloweens with children so I thought I would show some past Halloweens today.

Two years ago, Taylynn Rae was 10 months old and she was an adorable witch. I made her costume, but she is what made it so cute. This picture actually won a contest that my mom entered on an Arkansas new show:Here are some other pictures from that day

Last year was our first Halloween with Preston. He was 6 months old. I decided to dress them up to match while they let me. So they were Raggedy Ann and Andy.

Aaron and I also dressed up last year. Can you guess who we were?

John McCain and Sarah Palin playing the Wii
Aaron's hair was to be more white, but the spray we bought didn't work.

This halloween is going to be a fairytale......hint hint


  1. Love the past Halloween costumes. I can't wait to see this years!

  2. Okay seriously that witch costume is the CUTEST!!!
